Here is some data from a 2017 research survey we performed within our community. Over 500 people responded.
93% said they experience creativity as a mindfulness practice.
89% said they include creativity as a part of their spiritual practice.
89% felt a sense of connection with the Divine (as they define it)
86% felt that their creative practice positively impacted those closest to them.
92% feel that creativity influences their compassion for themselves.
90% said they experienced compassion for others near them through creativity.
83% experienced compassion for others they did not know through stories they heard.
80% said they would suggest creative process to others who experience depression.
87% consider themselves self-expressed as compared to before they were creating.
86% said they have experienced breakthroughs and aha’s during painting.
77% said they choose painting specifically to work through a chosen breakthrough.
90% said they have experienced a shift in their default thinking.
88% said they experienced a shift in their personal story through creating with intention.
89% said they bring insights into their life discovered while painting.
85% said they experienced an expanded sense of self.
79% noticed an ease of physical symptoms while creating.
93% experience creating as a relief/break that benefits their overall well being.
90% have experienced a shift in recurring emotional pain through creative process.
90% said that creativity helped them maintain a healthy outlook.